The name Shiva does not feature in the Rig Veda. There is however, references of the God Rudra. In the 10 Books of the Rig Veda, there are only 5 verses dedicated to Rudra.
The Rudra of the Rigveda is a militant god of storms and lightening and a "provider of medicines". Though he did not enjoy the same status as Indra, Rudra definitely enjoyed his own importance in the Vedic pantheon because of his tempestuous nature, his association with storms and storm gods called Maruts and his ability to bring medicines to the people to prolong their lives.
He is a fierce looking god, well built and golden in color, with braided hair, "of firm limbs, multiform, strong, tawny, who adorns himself with bright gold decorations. The strength of Godhead never departs from Rudra." Father of Maruts, the Rigvedic hymns describe him eloquently, "Of your pure medicines ... those that are most wholesome and health bestowing, those which our father Manu hath selected, I crave from. Rudra for our gain and welfare."
He wields the thunder bolt, bow and arrow, and sends down streaks of lightening shaking the worlds, making people nervous with fear and trepidation and disturbing the cattle in the cow pens. Intelligent, and benevolent, he protects people from their enemies. We do not know whether the Rigvedic Rudra was a precursor to the Rudra of later times. But the resemblance in some fundamental traits between the two and the appeal to both in prayers and supplications not to harm the cattle and the people with their anger, is too evident to be ignored.
The following hymn is one such example, which in many ways sounds like a verse from the Svetavatara Upanishad, "O Rudra, harm not either great or small of us, harm not the growing boy, harm not the full-grown man. Slay not a sire among us, slay no mother here, and to our own dear bodies, Rudra, do not harm. Harm us not, Rudra, in our seed and progeny, harm us not in the living, nor in cows or steeds, Slay not our heroes in the fury of thy wrath. Bringing oblations evermore we call to thee. Even as a herdsman I have brought thee hymns of praise: O Father of the Maruts, give us happiness, Blessed is thy most favoring benevolence, so, verily, do we desire thy saving help."
Some times the hymns refer to not just one Rudra but a group of Rudras eleven in number. According to some this is a symbolic reference to the ten vital breaths and the mind or suggestive of his association with the Maruts.
I will present here the verses:
Rig Veda, Book 1
Verse 43
कद रुद्राय परचेतसे मीळ्हुष्टमाय तव्यसे
वोचेम शन्तमं हर्दे
यथा नो अदितिः करत पश्वे नर्भ्यो यथा गवे
यथा तोकाय रुद्रियम
यथा नो मित्रो वरुणो यथा रुद्रश्चिकेतति
यथा विश्वे सजोषसः
गाथपतिं मेधपतिं रुद्रं जलाषभेषजम
तच्छंयोः सुम्नमीमहे
यः शुक्र इव सूर्यो हिरण्यमिव रोचते
शरेष्ठो देवानां वसुः
शं नः करत्यर्वते सुगं मेषाय मेष्ये
नर्भ्यो नारिभ्यो गवे
अस्मे सोम शरियमधि नि धेहि शतस्य नर्णाम
महि शरवस्तुविन्र्म्णम
मा नः सोमपरिबाधो मारातयो जुहुरन्त
आ न इन्दो वाजे भज
यास्ते परजा अम्र्तस्य परस्मिन धामन्न्र्तस्य
मूर्धा नाभा सोम वेन आभूषन्तीः सोम वेदः
kad rudrāya pracetase mīḷhuṣṭamāya tavyase
vocema śantamaṃ hṛde
yathā no aditiḥ karat paśve nṛbhyo yathā ghave
yathā tokāya rudriyam
yathā no mitro varuṇo yathā rudraściketati
yathā viśve sajoṣasaḥ
ghāthapatiṃ medhapatiṃ rudraṃ jalāṣabheṣajam
tacchaṃyoḥ sumnamīmahe
yaḥ śukra iva sūryo hiraṇyamiva rocate
śreṣṭho devānāṃ vasuḥ
śaṃ naḥ karatyarvate sughaṃ meṣāya meṣye
nṛbhyo nāribhyo ghave
asme soma śriyamadhi ni dhehi śatasya nṛṇām
mahi śravastuvinṛmṇam
mā naḥ somaparibādho mārātayo juhuranta
ā na indo vāje bhaja
yāste prajā amṛtasya parasmin dhāmannṛtasya
mūrdhā nābhā soma vena ābhūṣantīḥ soma vedaḥ
1 WHAT shall we sing to Rudra, strong, most bounteous, excellently wise,That shall be dearest to his heart?
2 That Aditi may grant the grace of Rudra to our folk, our kine,Our cattle and our progeny;
3 That Mitra and that Varuna, that Rudra may remember us,
Yea, all the Gods with one accord.
4 To Rudra Lord of sacrifice, of hymns and balmy medicines,
We pray for joy and health and strength.
5 He shines in splendour like the Sun, refulgent as bright gold is he,
The good, the best among the Gods.
6 May he grant health into our steeds, wellbeing to our rams and ewes,
To men, to women, and to kine.
7 O Soma, set thou upon us the glory of a hundred men,
The great renown of mighty chiefs.
8 Let not malignities, nor those who trouble
Soma, hinder us.Indu, give us a share of strength.
9 Soma! head, central point, love these; Soma! know these as serving thee,
Children of thee Immortal, at the highest place of holy law.
Verse 114:
इमा रुद्राय तवसे कपर्दिने कषयद्वीराय पर भरामहे मतीः
यथा शमसद दविपदे चतुष्पदे विश्वं पुष्टंग्रामे अस्मिन्ननातुरम
मर्ळा नो रुद्रोत नो मयस कर्धि कषयद्वीराय नमसा विधेमते
यच्छं च योश्च मनुरायेजे पिता तदश्याम तवरुद्र परणीतिषु
अश्याम ते सुमतिं देवयज्यया कषयद्वीरस्य तव रुद्र मीढ्वः
सुम्नायन्निद विशो अस्माकमा चरारिष्टवीरा जुहवाम ते हविः
तवेषं वयं रुद्रं यज्ञसाधं वङकुं कविमवसे निह्वयामहे
आरे अस्मद दैव्यं हेळो अस्यतु सुमतिमिद वयमस्या वर्णीमहे
दिवो वराहमरुषं कपर्दिनं तवेषं रूपं नमसा निह्वयामहे
हस्ते बिभ्रद भेषजा वार्याणि शर्म वर्म छर्दिरस्मभ्यं यंसत
इदं पित्रे मरुतामुच्यते वचः सवादोः सवादीयो रुद्राय वर्धनम
रास्वा च नो अम्र्त मर्तभोजनं तमने तोकाय तनयाय मर्ळ
मा नो महान्तमुत मा नो अर्भकं मा न उक्षन्तमुत मान उक्षितम
मा नो वधीः पितरं मोत मातरं मा नः परियास्तन्वो रुद्र रीरिषः
मा नस्तोके तनये मा न आयौ मा नो गोषु मा नो अश्वेषुरीरिषः
वीरान मा नो रुद्र भामितो वधीर्हविष्मन्तःसदमित तवा हवामहे
उप ते सतोमान पशुपा इवाकरं रास्वा पितर्मरुतां सुम्नमस्मे
भद्रा हि ते सुमतिर्म्र्ळयत्तमाथा वयमव इत्ते वर्णीमहे
आरे ते गोघ्नमुत पूरुषघ्नं कषयद्वीर सुम्नमस्मे तेस्तु
मर्ळा च नो अधि च बरूहि देवाधा च नः शर्म यछद्विबर्हाः
अवोचाम नमो अस्मा अवस्यवः शर्णोतु नो हवं रुद्रो मरुत्वान
तन नो ...
imā rudrāya tavase kapardine kṣayadvīrāya pra bharāmahe matīḥ
yathā śamasad dvipade catuṣpade viśvaṃ puṣṭaṃghrāme asminnanāturam
mṛḷā no rudrota no mayas kṛdhi kṣayadvīrāya namasā vidhemate
yacchaṃ ca yośca manurāyeje pitā tadaśyāma tavarudra praṇītiṣu
aśyāma te sumatiṃ devayajyayā kṣayadvīrasya tava rudra mīḍhvaḥ
sumnāyannid viśo asmākamā carāriṣṭavīrā juhavāma te haviḥ
tveṣaṃ vayaṃ rudraṃ yajñasādhaṃ vaṅkuṃ kavimavase nihvayāmahe
āre asmad daivyaṃ heḷo asyatu sumatimid vayamasyā vṛṇīmahe
divo varāhamaruṣaṃ kapardinaṃ tveṣaṃ rūpaṃ namasā nihvayāmahe
haste bibhrad bheṣajā vāryāṇi śarma varma chardirasmabhyaṃ yaṃsat
idaṃ pitre marutāmucyate vacaḥ svādoḥ svādīyo rudrāya vardhanam
rāsvā ca no amṛta martabhojanaṃ tmane tokāya tanayāya mṛḷa
mā no mahāntamuta mā no arbhakaṃ mā na ukṣantamuta māna ukṣitam
mā no vadhīḥ pitaraṃ mota mātaraṃ mā naḥ priyāstanvo rudra rīriṣaḥ
mā nastoke tanaye mā na āyau mā no ghoṣu mā no aśveṣurīriṣaḥ
vīrān mā no rudra bhāmito vadhīrhaviṣmantaḥsadamit tvā havāmahe
upa te stomān paśupā ivākaraṃ rāsvā pitarmarutāṃ sumnamasme
bhadrā hi te sumatirmṛḷayattamāthā vayamava itte vṛṇīmahe
āre te ghoghnamuta pūruṣaghnaṃ kṣayadvīra sumnamasme teastu
mṛḷā ca no adhi ca brūhi devādhā ca naḥ śarma yachadvibarhāḥ
avocāma namo asmā avasyavaḥ śṛṇotu no havaṃ rudro marutvān
tan no ...
1. To the strong Rudra bring we these our songs of praise, to him the Lord of Heroes with the braided hair,That it be well with all our cattle and our men, that in this village all be healthy and well-fed.
2 Be gracious unto us, O Rudra, bring us joy: thee, Lord of Heroes, thee with reverence will we serve.
Whatever health and strength our father Manu won by sacrifice may we, under thy guidance, gain.
3 By worship of the Gods may we, O Bounteous One, O Rudra, gain thy grace, Ruler of valiant men.
Come to our families, bringing them bliss: may we, whose heroes are uninjured, bring thee sacred gifts,
4 Hither we call for aid the wise, the wanderer, impetuous Rudra, perfecter of sacrifice.
May he repel from us the anger of the Gods: verily we desire his favourable grace.
5 Him with the braided hair we call with reverence down, the wild-boar of the sky, the red, the dazzling shape.
May he, his hand filled full of sovran medicines, grant us protection, shelter, and a home secure.
6 To him the Maruts' Father is this hymn addressed, to strengthen Rudra's might, a song more sweet than sweet.
Grant us, Immortal One, the food which mortals eat: be gracious unto me, my seed, my progeny.
7 O Rudra, harm not either great or small of us, harm not the growing boy, harm not the full-grown man.
Slay not a sire among us, slay no mother here, and to our own dear bodies, Rudra, do not harm.
8 Harm us not, Rudra, in our seed and progeny, harm us not in the living, nor in cows or steeds,Slay not our heroes in the fury of thy wrath.
Bringing oblations evermore we call to thee.
9 Even as a herdsman I have brought thee hymns of praise: O Father of the Maruts, give us happiness,
Blessed is thy most favouring benevolence, so, verily, do we desire thy saving help.
10 Far be thy dart that killeth men or cattle: thy bliss be with us, O thou Lord of Heroes.
Be gracious unto us, O God, and bless us, and then vouchsafe us doubly-strong protection.
11 We, seeking help, have spoken and adored him: may Rudra, girt by Maruts, hear our calling.
This prayer of ours may Varuna grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.
Rig Veda, Book 2
Verse 33
आ ते पितर्मरुतां सुम्नमेतु मा नः सूर्यस्य सन्द्र्षो युयोथाः
अभि नो वीरो अर्वति कषमेत पर जायेमहि रुद्र परजाभिः
तवादत्तेभी रुद्र शन्तमेभिः शतं हिमा अशीय भेषजेभिः
वयस्मद दवेषो वितरं वयंहो वयमीवाश्चातयस्वा विषूचीः
शरेष्ठो जातस्य रुद्र शरियासि तवस्तमस्तवसां वज्रबाहो
पर्षि णः पारमंहसः सवस्ति विश्वा अभीती रपसो युयोधि
मा तवा रुद्र चुक्रुधामा नमोभिर्मा दुष्टुती वर्षभ मासहूती
उन नो वीरानर्पय भेषजेभिर्भिषक्तमं तवा भिषजां शर्णोमि
हवीमभिर्हवते यो हविर्भिरव सतोमेभी रुद्रं दिषीय
रदूदरः सुहवो मा नो अस्यै बभ्रुः सुशिप्रो रीरधन मनायै
उन मा ममन्द वर्षभो मरुत्वान तवक्षीयसा वयसा नाधमानम
घर्णीव छायामरपा अशीया विवासेयं रुद्रस्य सुम्नम
कव सय ते रुद्र मर्ळयाकुर्हस्तो यो अस्ति भेषजो जलाषः
अपभर्ता रपसो दैव्यस्याभी नु मा वर्षभ चक्षमीथाः
पर बभ्रवे वर्षभाय शवितीचे महो महीं सुष्टुतिमीरयामि
नमस्या कल्मलीकिनं नमोभिर्ग्र्णीमसि तवेषं रुद्रस्य नाम
सथिरेभिरङगैः पुरुरूप उग्रो बभ्रुः शुक्रेभिः पिपिशेहिरण्यैः
ईशानादस्य भुवनस्य भूरेर्न वा उ योषद रुद्रादसुर्यम
अर्हन बिभर्षि सायकानि धन्वार्हन निष्कं यजतं विश्वरूपम
अर्हन्निदं दयसे विश्वमभ्वं न वा ओजीयो रुद्र तवदस्ति
सतुहि शरुतं गर्तसदं युवानं मर्गं न भीममुपहत्नुमुग्रम
मर्ला जरित्रे रुद्र सतवानो.अन्यं ते अस्मन नि वपन्तु सेनाः
कुमारश्चित पितरं वन्दमानं परति नानाम रुद्रोपयन्तम
भूरेर्दातारं सत्पतिं गर्णीषे सतुतस्त्वं भेषजा रास्यस्मे
या वो भेषजा मरुतः शुचीनि या शन्तमा वर्षणो या मयोभु
यानि मनुरव्र्णीता पिता नस्ता शं च योश्चरुद्रस्य वश्मि
परि णो हेती रुद्रस्य वर्ज्याः परि तवेषस्य दुर्मतिर्महीगात
अव सथिरा मघवद्भ्यस्तनुष्व मीढ्वस्तोकाय तनयाय मर्ळ
एवा बभ्रो वर्षभ चेकितान यथा देव न हर्णीषे न हंसि
हवनश्रुन नो रुद्रेह बोधि बर्हद व. व. स.
ā te pitarmarutāṃ sumnametu mā naḥ sūryasya sandṛṣo yuyothāḥ
abhi no vīro arvati kṣameta pra jāyemahi rudra prajābhiḥ
tvādattebhī rudra śantamebhiḥ śataṃ himā aśīya bheṣajebhiḥ
vyasmad dveṣo vitaraṃ vyaṃho vyamīvāścātayasvā viṣūcīḥ
śreṣṭho jātasya rudra śriyāsi tavastamastavasāṃ vajrabāho
parṣi ṇaḥ pāramaṃhasaḥ svasti viśvā abhītī rapaso yuyodhi
mā tvā rudra cukrudhāmā namobhirmā duṣṭutī vṛṣabha māsahūtī
un no vīrānarpaya bheṣajebhirbhiṣaktamaṃ tvā bhiṣajāṃ śṛṇomi
havīmabhirhavate yo havirbhirava stomebhī rudraṃ diṣīya
ṛdūdaraḥ suhavo mā no asyai babhruḥ suśipro rīradhan manāyai
un mā mamanda vṛṣabho marutvān tvakṣīyasā vayasā nādhamānam
ghṛṇīva chāyāmarapā aśīyā vivāseyaṃ rudrasya sumnam
kva sya te rudra mṛḷayākurhasto yo asti bheṣajo jalāṣaḥ
apabhartā rapaso daivyasyābhī nu mā vṛṣabha cakṣamīthāḥ
pra babhrave vṛṣabhāya śvitīce maho mahīṃ suṣṭutimīrayāmi
namasyā kalmalīkinaṃ namobhirghṛṇīmasi tveṣaṃ rudrasya nāma
sthirebhiraṅghaiḥ pururūpa ughro babhruḥ śukrebhiḥ pipiśehiraṇyaiḥ
īśānādasya bhuvanasya bhūrerna vā u yoṣad rudrādasuryam
arhan bibharṣi sāyakāni dhanvārhan niṣkaṃ yajataṃ viśvarūpam
arhannidaṃ dayase viśvamabhvaṃ na vā ojīyo rudra tvadasti
stuhi śrutaṃ ghartasadaṃ yuvānaṃ mṛghaṃ na bhīmamupahatnumughram
mṛlā jaritre rudra stavāno.anyaṃ te asman ni vapantu senāḥ
kumāraścit pitaraṃ vandamānaṃ prati nānāma rudropayantam
bhūrerdātāraṃ satpatiṃ ghṛṇīṣe stutastvaṃ bheṣajā rāsyasme
yā vo bheṣajā marutaḥ śucīni yā śantamā vṛṣaṇo yā mayobhu
yāni manuravṛṇītā pitā nastā śaṃ ca yoścarudrasya vaśmi
pari ṇo hetī rudrasya vṛjyāḥ pari tveṣasya durmatirmahīghāt
ava sthirā maghavadbhyastanuṣva mīḍhvastokāya tanayāya mṛḷa
evā babhro vṛṣabha cekitāna yathā deva na hṛṇīṣe na haṃsi
havanaśrun no rudreha bodhi bṛhad v. v. s.
1. FATHER of Maruts, let thy bliss approach us: exclude us not from looking on the sunlight.Gracious to our fleet courser be the Hero may we transplant us, Rudra, in our children.
2 With the most saving medicines which thou givest, Rudra, may I attain a hundred winters.
Far from us banish enmity and hatred, and to all quarters maladies and trouble.
3 Chief of all born art thou in glory, Rudra, armed with the thunder, mightiest of the mighty.
Transport us over trouble to well-being repel thou from us all assaults of mis. chief.
4 Let us not anger thee with worship, Rudra, ill praise, Strong God! or mingled invocation.
Do thou with strengthening balms incite our heroes: I hear thee famed as best of all physicians.
5 May I with praise-songs win that Rudra's favour who is adored with gifts and invocations.
Ne'er may the tawny God, fair-checked, and gracious, swifthearing, yield us to this evil purpose.
6 The Strong, begirt by Maruts, hath refreshed me, with most invigorating food, imploring.
As he who finds a shade in fervent sunlight may I, uninjured, win the bliss of Rudra.
7 Where is that gracious hand of thine, O Rudra, the hand that giveth health and bringeth comfort,
Remover of the woe that Gods have sent us? O Strong One, look thou on me with compassion.
8 To him the strong, great, tawny, fair-complexioned, I utter forth a mighty hymn of praises.
We serve the brilliant God with adorations, we glorify, the splendid name of Rudra.
9 With firm limbs, multiform, the strong, the tawny adorns himself with bright gold decorations:
The strength of Godhead ne'er departs from Rudra, him who is Sovran of this world, the mighty.
10 Worthy, thou carriest thy bow and arrows, worthy, thy manyhued and honoured necklace.
Worthy, thou cuttest here each fiend to pieces: a mightier than thou there is not, Rudra.
11 Praise him the chariot-borne, the young, the famous, fierce, slaying like a dread beast of the forest.
O Rudra, praised, be gracious to the singer. let thy hosts spare us and smite down another.
12 I bend to thee as thou approachest, Rudra, even as a boy before the sire who greets him.
I praise thee Bounteous Giver, Lord of heroes: give medicines to us as thou art lauded.
13 Of your pure medicines, O potent Martits, those that are wholesomest and healthbestowing,
Those which our father Manu hath selected, I crave from. Rudra for our gain and welfare.
14 May Rudra's missile turn aside and spare us, the great wrath of the impetuous One avoid us.
Turn, Bounteous God, thy strong bow from our princes, and be thou gracious to our seed and offspring.
15 O tawny Bull, thus showing forth thy nature, as neither to be wroth, O God, nor slay us.
Here, Rudra, listen to our invocation. Loud may we speak, with heroes, in assembly.
Rig Veda, Book 6
Verse 74
सोमारुद्रा धारयेथामसुर्यं पर वामिष्टयो.अरमश्नुवन्तु
दमे-दमे सप्त रत्ना दधाना शं नो भूतं दविपदेशं चतुष्पदे
सोमारुद्रा वि वर्हतं विषूचीममीवा या नो गयमाविवेश
आरे बाधेथां निरतिं पराचैरस्मे भद्रा सौश्रवसानि सन्तु
सोमारुद्रा युवमेतान्यस्मे विश्वा तनूषु भेषजानि धत्तम
अव सयतं मुञ्चतं यन नो अस्ति तनूषु बद्धं कर्तमेनो अस्मत
तिग्मायुधौ तिग्महेती सुशेवौ सोमारुद्राविह सु मर्ळतं नः
पर नो मुञ्चतं वरुणस्य पाशाद गोपायतं नः सुमनस्यमाना
somārudrā dhārayethāmasuryaṃ pra vāmiṣṭayo.aramaśnuvantu
dame-dame sapta ratnā dadhānā śaṃ no bhūtaṃ dvipadeśaṃ catuṣpade
somārudrā vi vṛhataṃ viṣūcīmamīvā yā no ghayamāviveśa
āre bādhethāṃ nirtiṃ parācairasme bhadrā sauśravasāni santu
somārudrā yuvametānyasme viśvā tanūṣu bheṣajāni dhattam
ava syataṃ muñcataṃ yan no asti tanūṣu baddhaṃ kṛtameno asmat
tighmāyudhau tighmahetī suśevau somārudrāviha su mṛḷataṃ naḥ
pra no muñcataṃ varuṇasya pāśād ghopāyataṃ naḥ sumanasyamānā
1. HOLD fast your Godlike sway, O Soma-Rudra: let these our sacrifices quickly reach you.Placing in every house your seven great treasures, bring blessing to our quadrupeds and bipeds.
2 Soma and Rudra, chase to every quarter the sickness that hath visited our dwelling.
Drive Nirrti away into the distance, and give us excellent and happy glories.
3 Provide, O Soma-Rudra, for our bodies all needful medicines to heal and cure us.
Set free and draw away the sin committed which we have still inherent in our persons.
4 Armed with keen shafts and weapons, kind and loving, be gracious unto us, Soma and Rudra.
Release us from the noose of Varuna; keep us from sorrow, in your tender loving-kindness.
Rig Veda, Book 7
Verse 46
इमा रुद्राय सथिरधन्वने गिरः कषिप्रेषवे देवाय सवधाव्ने
अषाळ्हाय सहमानाय वेधसे तिग्मायुधाय भरता शर्णोतु नः
स हि कषयेण कषम्यस्य जन्मनः साम्राज्येन दिव्यस्य चेतति
अवन्नवन्तीरुप नो दुरश्चरानमीवो रुद्र जासु नो भव
या ते दिद्युदवस्र्ष्टा दिवस परि कष्मया चरति परि साव्र्णक्तु नः
सहस्रं ते सवपिवात भेषजा मा नस्तोकेषुतनयेषु रीरिषह
मा नो वधी रुद्र मा परा दा मा ते भूम परसितौ हीळितस्य
आ नो भज बर्हिषि जीवशंसे यूयं पात ...
imā rudrāya sthiradhanvane ghiraḥ kṣipreṣave devāya svadhāvne
aṣāḷhāya sahamānāya vedhase tighmāyudhāya bharatā śṛṇotu naḥ
sa hi kṣayeṇa kṣamyasya janmanaḥ sāmrājyena divyasya cetati
avannavantīrupa no duraścarānamīvo rudra jāsu no bhava
yā te didyudavasṛṣṭā divas pari kṣmayā carati pari sāvṛṇaktu naḥ
sahasraṃ te svapivāta bheṣajā mā nastokeṣutanayeṣu rīriṣah
mā no vadhī rudra mā parā dā mā te bhūma prasitau hīḷitasya
ā no bhaja barhiṣi jīvaśaṃse yūyaṃ pāta ...
1. To Rudra bring these songs, whose bow is firm and strong, the self-dependent God with swiftly-flying shafts,
The Wise, the Conqueror whom none may overcome, armed with sharp-pointed weapons: may he hear our call.
2 He through his lordship thinks on beings of the earth, on heavenly beings through his high imperial sway.
Come willingly to our doors that gladly welcome thee, and heal all sickness, Rudra., in our families.
3 May thy bright arrow which, shot down by thee from heaven, flieth upon the earth, pass us uninjured by.
Thou, very gracious God, bast thousand medicines: inflict no evil on our sons or progeny.
4 Slay us not, nor abandon us, O Rudra let not thy noose, when thou art angry, seize us.
Give us trimmed grass and fame among the living. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Technical Details to correctly view the Sanskrit Fonts:
1. Download and Install the Unicode Font
First of all you need to download the font and install it. For instance, if you are using Windows XP, you start the Control Panel 'Fonts' program, and then select 'Install New Font' from the 'File' menu.
First of all you need to download the font and install it. For instance, if you are using Windows XP, you start the Control Panel 'Fonts' program, and then select 'Install New Font' from the 'File' menu.
If you need a Unicode font, you could download it from here.
2. Make the Unicode Font Your Default Web Page Font
Let's assume you have downloaded and installed the 'Code2000' font. Start Internet Explorer and go into 'Tools Internet Options' and select the 'Fonts' dialog.
On the 'Web Page Font', Code2000 should show up in the scrolling listbox, if you downloaded it and installed it correctly. Select it.
Unless you do this, some Unicode characters (such as the accented Greek characters and some Hebrew characters) may not show up.
2. Make the Unicode Font Your Default Web Page Font
Let's assume you have downloaded and installed the 'Code2000' font. Start Internet Explorer and go into 'Tools Internet Options' and select the 'Fonts' dialog.
On the 'Web Page Font', Code2000 should show up in the scrolling listbox, if you downloaded it and installed it correctly. Select it.
Unless you do this, some Unicode characters (such as the accented Greek characters and some Hebrew characters) may not show up.
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