Friday, February 24, 2006

Ananda Utsava-II

Dear readers,
The doors of Shiva Loka is about to open.
For people in the US who are confused as to when to celebrate or observe fasts etc., you may refer to the panchang from here.
For people in and around Chicago, Lemont Temple is hosting a number of events. One may refer to the events from here. You may also want to visit the cultural programme on Saturday at this temple. Details here.

For people who may not be fortunate enough to visit any near by temple, please do not worry. You may worship the Lord at home by making a linga out of sand or any other material.

For people who still cannot do so due to various reasons, I have still better news for them. Mental worship of Shiva is considered the most supreme form of worship. You can travel straight to Kailash and be the most fortunate to worship Him in person.

Shiva is Satya-swarupa. So if you have truth and devotion in your heart then you have Shiva with you.

People suffering from allictions of Mars and Saturn, just remember to bow once to Shiva Shakti on this day and see the miracles unfold in your life.

People get so attached to the rituals that they forget the true meaning of this festival. This festival is about Love. Touch your parent's feet this day, if you are away from home give them a call and say that you love them, share and care for people around you - this is the essence of Shiva tattwa. Remember that Ganesha won the challenge against Kartikeya by circumbulating His parents. Shiva and Shakti is Sun and Mon, they in the material world are our parents.

Even pushing a person aside in the temple queue to get a better glance of the Shiva linga is like pushing Shiva himself away. Shiva is all prevading. Lets us not think that by making our way in the temple queue or by paying more for few more archanas, we can get closer to Shiva.

Shiva is in you, Shiva is in the person next you, He is everywhere, all around us. On Mahashivaratri He unites with His Shakti. How blissful is the day! How divine is its essence!

Let us celebrate this day whichever way we want, with whoever we want, however we want-but let us remember that this day is about Love.



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