September 17th. is Vishwakarma Puja, celebrated extensively in West Bengal.
So this seems to be an apt time to discuss some tales about Vishw(v)akarma, the divine architect.
Vishnu when reciting Shiva Sahasranama, refers to Shiva as 'Vishvakarma'.
According to the Rig Veda, the 108 names that Rudra got from Parampita Brahma, one name is "Vishvakarma"
Linga Puran
The Chariot used by Shiva in Tripurasur Sangram
The sages asked Sutji as to how did Maya--the demon acquire three well fortified forts from Lord Brahma and how was Lord Shiva finally successful in destroying them.
Sutji replied-- after Tarakasur's death his three sons, Vidyunmali, Kamlaksha and Tarakaksha did tremendous penance to please Lord Brahma.
When Lord Brahma appeared, they expressed their desire of attaining immortality. Lord Brahma refused to oblige them. The demons after consulting each other demanded three invincible forts from him and said 'only such a person should be able to kill us, who is capable of destroying all the three forts with a single shot of an arrow.'
Lord Brahma blessed them and disappeared.
Maya, then did an austere penance and with the help of divine powers attained from it, constructed three forts at three different places. The fort made of gold was situated in the heaven, while the silver-fort was situated in the space. The third fort, which was made of iron, was situated on the earth.
The gold-fort was given to Tarakaksha, the silver-fort to Kamalaksha and the iron-fort was given to Vidyunmali. After acquiring these invincible forts all the demons had become extremely arrogant. They started tormenting the deities.
The deities went to Lord Vishnu and requested help. Lord Vishnu created thousands of spirits (bhootganas) and instructed them to destroy those three forts. But, the bhootganas were unsuccessful in their attempt and were charred to death. Lamenting their death the deities went to Lord Vishnu and sought help once again.
Lord Vishnu was aware that the demons derived their power from Lord Shiva.
So, he decided to deviate them from the path of Shiva's devotion. He then created an illusionary entity. The illusionary entity went to the place where demons lived and was successful in influencing them by his illusionary tactics.

All the demons became so impressed by him that they stopped worshipping Lord Shiva and became his disciples.
This resulted into a total degradation of moral values among the demons.
Finding the time opportune, Lord Vishnu eulogized Shiva who appeared and agreed to destroy those three forts.
Mounted on that chariot, Lord Shiva proceeded towards the demon.
All the deities followed him.
Lord brahma said---'right now it is pushya yoga and it is very auspicious for launching and it is very auspicious for launching an attack on the demon's forts.'
Lord Shiva then released his arrow, which after destroying all the three forts returned to his quiver. The deities became pleased and eulogized Lord Shiva.
The Sun- Manifestation of Shiva's Power
Lord Shiva manifests himself in the form of Sun.
The Sun radiates twelve different types of rays which have specific impacts and influences on the world.
The first ray is called Amrit and the deities derive their power from it.
The second ray is called Chandra and it helps in the preservation of medicinal herbs.
The third ray is called Shukla and it helps in the propagation of religiousness in the world. It also helps the food crops to become ripe.
The name of the fourth ray is Harikesha and all the constellations get their nourishment from it.
The fifth ray is called Vishwakarma and it gives the planet mercury.
The sixth ray is called Sanyadwasu and it nurtures the planet--Mars.
The seventh ray is called Arvavasu and it nurtures the planet Jupiter.
The eighth ray is called Surat and it nurtures the planet --Saturn.
The nineth ray is called Susumana and it nutures the moon, etc.
Maha Linga
There is a maha linga established by Takshak towards the north of Sthanu Vata while the Shiva Linga constructed by Vishwakarma is established towards the east.
Vishwakarma constructs a palace
After reaching mandaar mountain, Lord Shiva instructed Vishwakarma to construct a home.
Vishwakarma constructed a spacious home for Shiva, which was spread in the area of 64 yojans. The home was decorated with swastika symbols and its walls were made of gold.
Having blessed Chandra Deva thus, Lord Shiva disappeared.
Later on Chandra Deva instructed Vishwakarma to build a magnificent temple at the sight. He also built a city nearby so that all the priests who were supposed to supervise the rituals of worship could live there.
According to Hindu mythology, 'Sone ki Lanka' or Golden Lanka was the place where the demon king Ravana dwelled in the "Treta yuga."
As we read in the epic story Ramayana, this was also the place where Ravana kept Sita, Lord Ram's wife as a hostage. There is also a story behind the construction of Golden Lanka.
When Lord Shiva married Parvati, he asked Vishwakarma to build a beautiful palace for them to reside.
Vishwakarma put up a palace made of gold! For the housewarming ceremony, Shiva invited the wise Ravana to perform the "Grihapravesh" ritual. After the sacred ceremony when Shiva asked Ravana to ask anything in return as "Dakshina", Ravana, overwhelmed with the beauty and grandeur of the palace, asked Shiva for the golden palace itself! Shiva was obliged to accede to Ravana's wish, and the Golden Lanka became Ravana's palace.


The greatness of this temple lies in this fact that in this modern age the scientists are unable to open one cross ventilated door, so it is also said that Vishwakarma (God's Engineer) had erected this temple.
According to legends his daughter Sanjana was married to Surya, the Sun. As she was not able to endure the heat and light of the sun, Vishwakarma placed Surya upon his lathe and cut away an eighth part of his brightness. The fragments that fell on the earth due to this operation were used by Vishwakarma to form the trident of Shiva and the weapons of many other gods.
The famous Hindu treatise on architecture titled Vishwakarma Vastushastra mentions the 'Tej-Linga' amongst the Shivalingas i.e., the stone emblems of Lord Shiva, the Hindu deity. Such a Tej Linga was consecrated in the Taj Mahal, hence the term Taj Mahal alias Tejo Mahalaya.
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