Almost naked, unknown of any worldly complications, indifferent to his financial status, he would have been one candidate that no woman of today's age would have ever imagined to get married to.
However, these are nothing but illusions that Shiva himself created to make sure that who-so-ever aspires for Him is none other than Shakti herself.
The picture shows Shiva as a bhikshuk begging for alms from Annapurna, none other than his consort.

The picture shows Shiva being tempted into union by none other than Parvati, who is shown playing the veena.
Wining over an ascetic like Shiva, was not an easy task for Parvati. It was even more difficult because Parvati would not be the first woman in Shiva's life. He had already lost his beloved first wife, Sati. Although Parvati was none other than Sati (Shakti) incarnate, she had to prove her worthiness to Shiva.
The mountain daughter is known by many names, each affording special significance. She is most commonly called Parvati; however, with the same mountain connotation she is also known as Girija and Shailaja. Because the goddess is the wife of Shiva, sometimes called Bhava, or Shiva, she is also recognized as Bhavani. Interestingly, it was Bhavani's devotion to Bhava and her hope of eventually winning him, that earned her the name Sarvamangala or "loyal one" and established her as the source of all good things to all those who have faith and follow the path of virtue.
Parvati's story of love and dedication to Shiva is a saga filled with mystery and desire.
Parvati discovered her passion for Shiva in childhood, and immediately realized that she needed to prove the endless depths of her feelings if she wished to become his wife. She focused her mind on Shiva only.
She came to his temple daily, to clean, to sacrifice, and to pray; yet, Shiva was always too concerned with his meditation to observe her. Parvati was thus forced to endure great trials to express her love.
She sat in the four fires of summer, she remained exposed to all the harsh elements of the rainy season and of the winter, and she stood on one leg for three years. For days, weeks, and months she ate or drank nothing, but instead merely chanted his name. Eventually Paravti's efforts created so much heat in the cosmos, that the great gods were made uncomfortable and alerted Shiva.
Shiva was intrigued by Parvati's devotion but was uncertain if her feelings were true. Consequently, he established a series of tests.
First, he appeared before Parvati disguised as a youth. Once there, he spoke of how coarse and barbaric Shiva was. The young man told her she needed a handsome husband like himself, but Parvati ignored him and continued to think solely of Shiva.
The god of destruction then appeared as an old man and declared that Shiva was a stern and boring yogi who would merely ignore Parvati and make her miserable. The old man said Shiva was not worthy of her. He proclaimed that with her unparalleled beauty, she could marry someone as clever as Vishnu, or as strong as Indra. Yet, Parvati continued to ignore the distractions and proceeded to chant Shiva's name.
Finally, the mighty god came in the shape of a deformed dwarf. The dwarf promised if Parvati would marry him instead of Shiva, he would be her slave; however, Parvati failed to acknowledge his presence.

Ultimately, Shiva had been astounded by Parvati's love for him and therefore immediately consented to marry her.
When the day of the wedding came, both the bride and the groom waited with eagerness and anticipation. Yet, when Parvati's parents, Hamivan and Mena, arrived to meet Shiva, they were disgusted by his appearance and forbade Parvati to marry him. But Parvati remained desperately in love with Shiva, and thus, she decided to pray to him for days without resting to eat or sleep.
She pleaded with him to change his appearance so that her mother and father would agree to the marriage. Shiva heard her prayers and was touched. He realized he truly loved Parvati, and in a grand display of color and light, he transformed himself into the most beautiful man anyone had ever seen. Shiva's new beauty coupled with his immense cosmic powers finally convinced Hamivan and Mena to consent to the marriage, and with the wedding vows the heavens rejoiced.
Thus, it is unquestionable and unconditional love that binds the cosmic couple.
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