Monday, January 07, 2008


(Image from here)
On 31st. eve, a group of 70-80 men ran after and molested two girls for 15 minutes by pinning down their male friends to the ground in Mumbai, India.
Similar incidents of molesting girls or attempts to do so occured all around the country.
And we also know that this is not the first time such incidents have happened.
So, what should we do about it?
Well, these are a few things that are available for self-defense in some countries.
Other common ones are pepper spray etc.
For a country like India where population is way beyond the control of police, women needs to be empowered.
I think its high-time to legalize self-dense weapons to women with some registration code to keep track of the items being used.
Wish draupadi had a stunt gun to immobilize Dushashan.
Its time we gave Durga the trishul she deserves.
~ Souvik

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