The five faces of Shiva, also known as the pancha-brahmatmaka represent both the trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), as well as the three fold progression of Shiva himself (Rudra, Ishwara, Sadashiva).
The ordering from Sadyojata is the reversal of the creation process, and is designed to take the ego-filled seeker to the ultimate source -- purusha, by leading us from the ego, to the mind, to the intellect, to the creative potential to its substratum. As per Shankaracharya's Upadesha Sahasri:
When all the entities in the series commencing with earth (smell) etc, and moving inward are successively negated, the innermost Self is found to be subtler and more pervasive.
This five fold worship taught by the great Acharya is arguably the most important aspect of the Shiva Panchayatana puja. This is often found to be the culmination (central point) of the puja.
Form Direction Form Element Aspect
Sadyojata West Brahma Earth Ego
Vamadeva North Vishnu Water Manas
Aghora South Rudra Fire Buddhi
Tatpurusha East Ishwara Air Maya (Prakriti)
Ishana Above Sadashiva Akasha Atma (Purusha)
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